About us

Hello! Welcome to the new site!

Hello there everybody, and welcome to the new website for Treat's Squire Shop. If you are unfamiliar with us, we are a traditional, full service gentlemen's clothing store. What that means is that our staff is at your disposal when you are shopping. We offer you our honest expert advice, professional tailoring (which is free of charge with any item you purchase), as well as a comfortable and low pressure environment to shop in. Our end goal is to make sure you love what you purchase, and that you love to wear it. If you would like to learn more please check out the pages about our clothing that we offer, as well about us


I will be updating this blog on a regular basis to inform everybody of store news, as well as new arrivals of products. Be sure to join our e-mailer to keep up to date on our latest sales and promotions. If you have any questions please send us an e-mail, we're happy to answer any questions you may have.


If you run into any issues with the site please let us know, as we are still working out all of the bugs and optimizing it!

Stay tuned for more content coming soon!

